Noor Syed

  • Susan H. Turben Director of Autism Advocacy and director of Center for Autism Advocacy: Research, Education, and Supports; Assistant Professor
  • Rochester

Dr. Noor Syed (she/her) is an Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator of Applied Behavior Analysis, as well as the founding Director of the Center for Autism Advocacy: Research, Education, and Supports (CAARES) with SUNY Empire State College. She has also been named the Turben Director of Autism Advocacy. CAARES’ primary initiative is to help SUNY Empire become a fully inclusive and supportive college for those who identify as neurodiverse through a multi-tiered system of support framework. In addition, Dr. Syed the Director of Anderson Center International, an Adjunct Doctoral Advisor in ABA with Endicott College, and a certified general and special education teacher. She serves on the ABA Ethics Hotline, is President-elect of the New York State Association for Behavior Analysis, serves on the Scientific Council with the Organization for Autism Research, and co-facilitates the AUCD ABA Workgroup. Dr. Syed collaborates on an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Accessibility, and Belonging (EDIAB) Lab with Drs. Christen Russell and Nasiah Cirincione-Ulezi.


Selected Publications

Cox, D., Syed, N., Brodhead, M., & Quigley, M. (2022). Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis. Elsevier.

Hilton, J., Syed, N., Weiss, M.J., Tereshko, L., Marya, V., Marshall, K., Gatzunis, K., Russell, C., & Driscoll, N. (2021). Initiatives to address diversity, equity, and inclusion within a higher education ABA department. Behavior and Social Issues, Advanced online publication.

Vallera, F. & Syed, N. (2023). Encouraging awareness and empathy for diversity through experiential practiced simulations. Journal of Design Thinking. Education Division, SUNY Empire.

Syed, N., Mellon, E., & Kristiansen, S. (2022). Diversity in research. In D. Cox, N. Syed, M. Brodhead, and S. Quigley (Eds.), Research Ethics in Behavior Analysis. Elsevier.

Syed, N., Russell, C., Marshall, K., Tereshko, L., & Driscoll, N. (in press). Embedding intercultural responsiveness in graduate coursework and supervision training. In DeSouza, A. & Crone-Todd, D. (Eds.). Behavior Analysis in Higher Education: Teaching and Supervision. Vernon Press.

Kisamore, A., Syed, N., Schnell, L, & Merritt, T. (in press).Vocational skills. In Matson, J.L. (Ed.) Applied Behavior Analysis: A Comprehensive Handbook. 

Syed, N., Cirincione-Ulezi, N., & Gatzunis, K. (2022). The pressing need for ethical, effective supervision. In A. Beirne and J. Sadavoy (Eds.). Understanding Ethics in Behavior Analysis: Practical Applications 2nd Edition. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 

Syed, N. & Bernal, A. (2023). Building an Inclusive Higher Education Environment, Organization for Autism Research.

Allen, L. & Syed, N. (2022). Mentoring autistic and neurodiverse students: A universal design approach. SUNY Empire : All About Mentoring, Manuscript scheduled for publication Spring 2022.

Steinbacher, L., Syed, N., & Crump, S., (2022). Promoting employment success for autistic college graduates.


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Behavior Analysis from Teachers College at Columbia University