Mark Abendroth, Ed.D. is professor of education in the School for Graduate Studies. He began his work at Empire in 2009 on Long Island, transferred to New York City in 2011, and then to the Capital Region in 2017. At different times he served as program coordinator of M.Ed. in Curriculum & Instruction (M.Ed.) and the M.A. in Teaching (MAT): Adolescent or Middle Childhood Education. He has taught courses in social studies methods, clinical social studies, and educational foundations for the MAT. He has taught courses also in the MA in Adult Learning. His research interests include education in/for social movements, the arts in critical pedagogy, and multicultural education. He has authored two books, co-edited two books, and published several articles. He has served on multiple governance committees and was chair of the Graduate Studies & Policies Committee in 2011-12 and again in 2020-2021. From February 2020 to July 2022, he served as chair of ESC's Sustainability Committee. Before coming to ESC, Dr. Abendroth was assistant professor of education at Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado from 2006 to 2009. Prior to that, he was a teacher of social studies and English as a new language in the St. Paul Public Schools in Minnesota from 1999 to 2006. His dissertation for an Ed.D. in Critical Pedagogy, completed in 2005 from the University of St. Thomas (Minneapolis), was a case study of nationalism and internationalism in Cuba's National Literacy Campaign of 1961. When time permits, he enjoys making music with others, kayaking, and cross-country skiing.
- Abendroth, M. (2020). Song, Struggle, and Solidarity: The New York City Labor Chorus in its 25th year. Lanham, MD: Hamilton Books.
- Abendroth, M., & Porfilio, B. (Eds.). (2015). Understanding neoliberal rule in higher education: Educational fronts for local and global justice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Abendroth, M. (2015). Growing in multicultural education with alumni. Multicultural Education, 23(1), 17-22.
- Abendroth, M. (2014). Occupy activists, moved or not by secondary teachers. International Journal of Progressive Education, 10(1), 6-17.
- Abendroth, M., Golzy, J. B., & O’Connor, E. A. (2012). Self-created YouTube recordings of microteachings: Their effects upon candidates’ readiness for teaching and instructors’ assessment. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 40(2), 141-159.
- Abendroth, M. (2009). Rebel Literacy: Cuba’s National Literacy Campaign and Critical Global Citizenship. Duluth, MN: Litwin Books, LLC.
- Abendroth, M. (2005). Emancipatory global civic education: An alternative for struggle within the US. (Published in Spanish) Docencia, 5(14), 57-59.