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Robert Congemi


1973 To The present (51 years)--ESC, Professor, Mentor, Unit Coordinator

Teaching at NYS State Police Academy, SUNY Albany, 1968-1971

Award for Outstanding Mentoring  1976

Scholar Across The College  1985

Coordinator of ESC Program with Office of General Services  1988--1992

Numerous  presentations, publications, public readings  1973--2024

ABD, SUNY, 1971

Dissertation Topic--The Simultaneous Achievement of the Past and Present in George Bernard Shaw's History Plays

Full Length books--includes short stories, novels, fiction quartet, poetry

Dreaming Mother Into Existence

The Vagaries Of Fate

The Absurd Heart

The Temple Of A Thousand Buddhas

Millennium Blues

Millennium Dawn

Millennium Rose

Millennium Noir

Penny Garden

Les Yeux

First Day Of The World

Shiva Is Satisfied

Dante And The Others

All About Mentoring:  20 years of publications in All About Mentoring

 AAM 54-- A Fool For Love 

AAM 53 – The Return 

AAM 52 – Gifts From The Cosmos 

AAM 51 – Out Country 

AAM 50 – Trees by the Edge of the Lake 

AAM 49 – Combat 

AAM 48 – Nighttime They Come Alive at the Mall 

AAM 47 – An Interview with Robert Congemi by Richard Bonnabeau 

AAM 46 – Family Chorus 

AAM 45 – Dreaming Mother Into Existence 

AAM 44 – The Steinmacht Radio 

AAM 43 – How They Named the Baby 

AAM 42 – Afterward 

AAM 41 – The Trip to Grandfather 

AAM 40 – Commencement 

AAM 39 – The Haiku Maker 

AAM 38 – Once I Saw the Calypso Star 

AAM 37 – Breakfast with Father 

AAM 36 – The Day Daddy Went Out to Buy Furniture 

AAM 35 – The Overlooked Man 

AAM 34 – The Mind-Scrubbers 

AAM 33 – The Guttering of Desire 

AAM 32 – My First Day at School 

AAM 31 – Down Destiny’s Way 

AAM 30 – The Mentor 




  • M.A. in English from University at Albany - State University of New York